Vehicles have become such an important aspect of our lives that we almost feel incomplete without them. One day without our vehicles and we are handicapped with our whole schedule thrown off balance!!
So we can come to a conclusion that without the transport, we are lost. However, we are aware and know about being cautious while driving or riding so as to not cause any accidents or damage to any property as we know we share the roads with other people too; but did it ever occur to us that we not only share the roads with humans but animals as well?
It is such a terrifying sight to look at an animal lying in the middle of the road or sometimes on the sides and dead, hit by a vehicle. I can’t begin to explain the sorrow that I feel passing by such accidents along the road!
Every single day I pass by at least one roadkill, tears just begin to flow down my eyes when I see these poor animals crushed to death by such brutality and for mere the reason being that they weren’t quite quick enough to tackle a vehicle at high speed!
Why can’t we just for once wait and understand that animals also have an equal right over the land as we do and essentially we have no right to just run them over with our vehicles so savagely!
People need to understand that sometimes the animals they crush have babies to feed and by killing one animal they have actually taken so many other lives that depended on that poor animal!
How can people not feel companionate towards these speechless creatures and start being a little responsible while they drive or ride! How can we become so heartless that we don’t feel any grief over animals that fall prey to roadkills? God forbid were it for humans to die at such a rate due to accidents, the whole human rights community would have launched an attack on the population that use roads for driving or riding! But since they are animals that it isn’t much of a bother!! But some notice needs to be taken of these accidents not only for the lives of the poor animals but this also shows how traffic rules violations are at a rise! (Because apparently animals’ getting killed isn’t a sufficient reason enough!)
Now some may also point that the animals just appear on the roads out of nowhere and the driver has only two choices that is either to save himself or the animal or it just gets run over.
But my question here is, isn’t it possible to apply brakes at the legally prescribed speed limit on any road and save a disaster?
I reckon so, it is! But it is not happening because the speed limit is not being followed and there is over speeding and because of which it becomes completely impossible to stop the vehicle in case an animal jumps out of the blue and there is no option left with the driver to kill it!
Now in such a scenario the driver either kills the animal or in an attempt to save the animal, crashes himself or if he is lucky he just misses the animal and moves ahead!
Would it hurt us to drive or ride at a reasonable speed and show a little amount of empathy towards other living creatures that we share our space instead of just being such self-centric species that ignores all the other life forms! There are no words that can express the sorrow of seeing an animal lying dead on the road in such a mutilated manner… if human beings deserve to die with respect then so do the animals… the agony of seeing puppies or kitten that you were playing with and feeding just some days back, lying on the road murdered brutally … a tender puppy whose life comes to an end even before he has began living it…has become living horror we continue to create everyday… hence through this article it is a humble request to all the citizens to be a little responsible on the roads and understand that life is life after all, be it of an animal or a human being and it is equally treacherous to see it being taken away in horrible ways like road kills… God has made us sensible species on earth. So let’s use that and make this place a better one for all life forms, helping it to grow and prosper.