MAH: रॉग साइड से गाड़ी चलानेवाले सावधान, हो सकती है आपकी गाड़ी पंक्चर
गुणवंती परस्ते पुणे की सड़क पर पहली बार टायर किलर तकनीक इस्तेमाल किया गया है। अगर आप रॉग साइड से गाड़ी चलाकर आते हैं, तो आपकी गाड़ी पंक्चर हो सकती है, इस तकनीक का उपयोग नागरिकों में ट्रैफिक नियम का पालन करने के उद्देश्य से बनाया गया है। अगर किसी ड्राइवर ने रॉग साइड से गाड़ी चलाने की कोशिश की…
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By Our Chief Reporter With students getting read for the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examination of Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education from Monday, here are FIVE DO’S AND DON’T’S that the student should do. We bring to you these vital tips from Retired School Headmaster GURUDAS SAMANT who headed – Shri…
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Exploring The Ladder In Amazing World Of Information Technology!!
KIRAN PEDNEKAR Once the final semester is over for engineering and non-engineering students, a nightmare of job-hunting haunts their peaceful nights!! One starts taking pressure & tension about job offers especially if one is a Computer engineer or IT engineer or even B.Sc. IT, CS or BCA graduate. The only dream that one gets is of the dream job that…
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EASTER- Not Just Another Holiday!
Beryl Menezes Spring Holidays Resurrection Life. Easter means different things to different people. While Lent gives you a chance to look into your soul, Easter heralds new promises for the year ahead and freedom from memories that are now a past. According to certain calendars, April symbolizes spring; when all creation is born again and there is a…
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Stephen Hawking Through Goan Eyes
Roger Fernandes A young man doomed to death in the two years, goes on to survive till the age of 76, and actually gives the world some of the most mind-boggling theories of the universe. This is a true story, the one we are all familiar with. The man is none other than Stephen William Hawking, who passed away on…
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Taru wo Shiru; What is your enough?
Cassandra harada In April of each year, I go to Hokkaido and shear sheep at a friend’s farm. Each time, I sit down to dinner after a full day with the clippers, and my whole body is reeling from using muscles that haven’t seen use in months. Sheep shearing is hard, dirty work. It’s a…
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Panaji (Goa) Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. It is observed during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday. It is also known as Holy Friday. Members of many Christian denominations, including the Anglican, Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran, Methodist, Oriental Orthodox and Reformed traditions, observe Good Friday with fasting and church services.
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Ms. Sangita Sharma Examination time and the desire to score high marks and pursue a particular field of academic interest is a potent combination to make life miserable for many students and also their anxious parents who have fixed goals to achieve. The rat race for scoring high marks in the exams is only getting egregious with time. Parents, teachers,…
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MAH: सर्वाधिक रक्तदान केलेल्या महिलांना ‘आस्वाद जीवनदान पुरस्कार’
पुणे पैशाप्रमाणे काही प्रमाणात रक्ताच्या बँका असल्या, तरीही रक्ताच्या बँकांमध्ये होणारा रक्तसंचय हा गरजेपेक्षा अतिशय कमी प्रमाणात आहे. भारतात रक्ताची चणचण मोठया प्रमाणात असूनही रक्तदाते पुढे येत नाहीत. त्यामुळेच झंवर परिवारातर्फे रामेश्वर झंवर आणि पुष्पाबाई झंवर यांच्या स्मरणार्थ रविवार, दिनांक १ एप्रिल रोजी सकाळी ८.३० ते दुपारी ३.३० यावेळेत शंकरशेठ रस्त्यावरील ओसवाल बंधू कार्यालय येथे रक्तदान महाशिबीराचे…
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GOA: The Procrastinating Mind, the questioning heart
CHARLENE FARREL I have a confession to make. Today, this is how I shall begin… I waited for the last possible moment to pen down this article. There, I said it and yes, I am ashamed too. This time of the year always gets like this for me. Being a teacher, the exams are going on, the reports need to…
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