Serendipity in Spandex
Now that Marathon training is over and my body is healed and rested, it’s time to start making my way down another physically challenging road. I have been in love with bicycles for the whole of my life. The sounds they make, the feeling of flying, powering your movement with just a…
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Recovering from Illness seems to get harder as I get older. It’s frustrating to remember how quickly I bounced back as a younger person, But I suppose that as time does nothing but march forward, I’ll just be grateful I can recover at all. I traveled within Ireland for 9 days. I’ll write more about that later, as…
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I’m traveling today, even though I shouldn’t be. As I sit here on a packed commuter train, listening to the cacophony of snorts, wheezing and snuffling, I can only imagine the vast parade of pathogens that are now making their way into my breathing space. I wince, and search for an escape route as we fly through the city. A…
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It’s not every day that a publisher approaches me with the opportunity to do something like this, so after much waffling, fretting, nail-biting and wrestling with “fear of judgment”, I’ve bitten the bullet, sat down at my laptop and decided to say hello. I’m Cassie. I was born and raised in the heart America, but now I live in a…
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