Margao (Goa)Shree Ram Gita, an epic which has been recited and appreciated in various languages in India and abroad, will be now presented in Konkani by Goa’s noted musician-singer Sidhanath Buyao.Shree Ram Geeta has historic significance in Goa as it was penned by Dr Manohar Rai Sardesai and composed and performed by late Ulhas Buyao, who has kept mark on the Konkani music through his compositions and music.The compositions filled the air during historic Opinion Poll when Late Buyao sang it across the State to counter the campaign that Hindu devotion was only in Marathi and not in Konkani. Singing Shree Ram Geeta in Konkani had demolished the false claims of pro-merger lobbies.Later, Ulhas Buyao performed the shows at many places even after Opinion Poll taking the Konkani devotional music to each of the villages.The history was documented by his son Sidhanath in the year 2013 when he produced two CDs sung by veterans like Swapnil Bandodkar, Vaishali Samant, Bela Shende, Jaanvi Prabhu, Avdhoot Gupte and he himself.In a press release, Buyao has appealed the people to contact him for the one and half hours performance of mythologically and devotionally significant Shri Ram Geeta-Konkani and can also be contacted for the live shows.

Team TNV February 13th, 2018 Posted In: art & culture
Team TNV